Analisis Positioning Branding “Back to Nature” Larissa Aesthetic Center Ponorogo dengan Pendekatan Bauran Promosi
Advertising is something that we often encounter every day on television. Because television is the main entertainment for families in Indonesia, so many manufacturers introduce their products through advertisements. Television advertisements often contain a very strong element of imagination, but this hat is disguised by colliding that imagination with reality in real life in order to further convince consumers. The advertisement that the researcher took as research material was an advertisement for an online store, namely Olx. Due to the ad impressions are considered to have elements of hyperreality. To get the expected results the researcher in his research uses the semiotics analysis method of hyperreality according to Roland Barthes because researchers think that using this method can analyze clearly and be able to get the expected results. The results of the analysis of this study will show the original depiction of reality with what has been broadcast through advertisements.
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