Pelayanan Pembuatan Paspor di Kantor Imigrasi Kelas III Kabupaten Ponorogo
Public service is one important aspect in the country's goal to achieve Good Governance. Good public service describes the system of government of a country is running well and well established. In the service there needs to be a good quality in order to keep the Good Governance goals that will be addressed. Therefore, the quality of public services must be maintained in accordance with the provisions of applicable law one example that exist in public service in the Office of Immigration Class III Ponorogo District. The purpose of this research is (1) To know the quality of passport making service in Immigration Office of Class III of Ponorogo Regency. (2) To know what obstacles faced by Class III District Immigration Office Ponorogo in the implementation of community service. The data used in this study is Primary Data is field data obtained directly from the perpetrators who serve as subjects in the study. This data is taken from Head of Immigration Office of Class III of Ponorogo Regency, and Service Officer of Immigration Office of Class III of Ponorogo Regency and Users of Immigration Office of Class III of Ponorogo Regency. Data collection techniques in this study using Observation Methods, Interview Methods, and Documentation Methods. While the data analysis technique in this study using Qualitative Descriptive analysis. The findings in this study are (1) Passport making service at the Immigration Office Class III Ponorogo Regency has been perfect, good and running as it should. Passport making service in Immigration Office Class III Ponorogo Regency is in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation. (2) Obstacles experienced in the public service at the Office of Immigration Class III Ponorogo District, among others, crowded visitors, less comfortable, and less extensive areas as well.
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- Undang-Undang Nomor 25 tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik.