Strategi Pengembangan Potensi Wisata Desa di Kabupaten Ponorogo (Studi Penelitian di Desa Kupuk Kecamatan Bungkal dan Desa Pandak Kecamatan Balong)
This study discusses the Tourism Potential Development Strategy in Ponorogo Regency with research locations in Kupuk Village, Bungkal District and Pandak Village, Balong District. The background is that the development of tourist villages has begun to show an increase in the Ponorogo Regency area. Along with the community's interest and enthusiasm for rural tourism and tourism village development activities in Ponorogo Regency, it leads to nature tourism. The purpose of this study was to determine the village government's strategy regarding the development of village tourism potential. This study uses a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. In this study, researchers used purposive sampling technique in determining informants. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the tourism village development strategy is conceptualized by every village government which is sustainable and gradual. The concept of the Kupuk Village government is that it leads to an independent village program. While the Pandak village government in the future can realize village tour packages. However, the implementation is still passive because it is still in the early stages, so it is necessary to increase development activities every year. Thus, tourism village development activities in Kupuk Village and Pandak Village can stimulate the community and be able to increase Village Original Opinions.
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