Kebijakan terkait penanganan gelandangan di Kabupaten Ponorogo

Niko Sugeng Wibowo -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Ekapti Wahjuni Djuwitaningsih* -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Khoirurrosyidin Khoirurrosyidin -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia

This research is titled Government Policy in Public order to handle bummer and beggar in Ponorogo district according to regional regulation No. 5 Year 2011 on public order (Study of bum and beggars in Aloon-Aloon Ponorogo. Bummer and beggar are people who have no place to stay and always move their place. Bummer and beggars get income by begging on the roadside or in public places that many visitors or in the crowd and expect the mercy of others who see it. In the district regulation No. 5 Year 2011, please refer to Pamong Praja Police unit in the mandate to help the Bupati to implement government affairs that is the district authority in the field of public order and tranquility and in the protection of Community. So in this case researchers are interested to discuss government policy in public order to handle the Tramp and beggar in the Ponorogo Kabupeten. Research conducted in Pamong Praja Police Unit office, and Social office of Ponorogo Regency With data sources such as interviews, documentation and observations. For processing of authors data using qualitative descriptive analysis. From the results of the research, can be learned that the government policy in public order to handle the Tramp and beggar in the district Ponorogo in katakana is good, proven from visitors and street vendors who are in Aloon-aloon Regency of Ponorogo has rarely encountered bums and beggars although there is but not how much, to maximize government policy in public order to deal with bummer and beggars, the authors advise to be able to do Good care and not hurt, both physically and silently hurt. And always patrol regularly in every corner of the city or public places that are usually often encountered in the place of Tramp and beggar. And keep the people comfortable.

Government Policy; Bummer; Beggar;
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Article Info
Submitted: 2022-09-27
Published: 2018-10-01
Section: Articles