Sudarmono mono Sudarmono


An annular solar eclipse is a natural occurrence that rarely occurs and occurs in a certain cycle. During a solar eclipse, the sun, earth and moon are in a straight line. The purpose of this study is to find out how solar irradiation is on the tracker and pyranomter solar panels during the annular solar eclipse of December 26, 2019. The tracker solar panel uses the method of adjusting the position of the sun in one year. This study simulates using a solar panel with a capacity of 3 Watt and 6 Volt with a lithium battery capacity of 4000 mAh, servo motor MG 995 1800 and Arduino. Analysis equipment in the form of a USB tester Voltmeter and one unit of Windows 7 64 bit laptop for identification of incoming solar irradiation and the direction of the solar panel is in the south with an angle of 230 in December. Data collection for each step of the 3-hour solar tracker changes the angle of 450, 900 and 1150 in this study starting from 07:00 WIB to 15:00 WIB. The average irradiation received by solar panels is 57.19 Watt/m2, a minimum of 10.23 Watt/m2 at 13:00 WIB, with a maximum value of 119.34 Watt/m2 at 10:00 WIB, while the average value is 119.34 Watt/m2 at 10:00 WIB. The average irradiation received by the pyranometer is 490.2 Watt/m2, a minimum of 198.1 Watt/m2 at 13:00 WIB, with a maximum value of 865.6 Watt/m2 at 10:00 WIB. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the occurrence of an annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019 has an influence on changes in solar irradiation data both on the tracker solar panels and pyranometers


Solar irradiation; Solar panel tracker; Pyranometer


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DOI: 10.24269/jkt.v6i2.1516


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