Analisa Kekuatan Material Chassis Pada Mobil Hemat Energi “Sakera” Urbantype KMHE

M. Dwi Putro Cahyo Agung


In the integrated laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya has adequate tools and facilities for students who want to make scientific work, practicum, and others. One example of equipment that is very helpful for the UM Surabaya KMHE team is a lathe, electric welding, cut grinder, sitting grinder, drilling machine, complete keys, safety equipment, etc. Apart from complete equipment, there are comfortable facilities for making scientific and practicum work. Here I will write a summary about the frame/chassis.

In the current era, the development of vehicles in Indonesia has increased dramatically, especially cars. Chassis/car frame is very important because it supports all the components of the whole, one example is the engine, driver, steering system, braking system, electrical system, etc. Therefore, the chassis must be strong. Here I analyze a scientific work using an inventor autodex software to determine the results of my analysis, one of the KMHE 2022 regulations. In the process of making the frame, it is made using galvanize hollow iron with a cross section size of 40x40x 1.2 mm. The structure is in the form of two long parallel galvanize hollow rods connected to each other by short transverse and perpendicular rods which are connected using welding for the assembly process. Frame specifications and structure. The main frame is 1800 mm wide by 650 mm. In analyzing it is necessary to calculate the results of the analysis of von mises stress, 1st principal stress, 3rd principal stress.The maximum von mises stress is 13.38 mpa. This can be interpreted as the first stress value is still said to be safe and does not cause von mises stress damage to the frame because it is still below the value of the material allowable stress of 13.38 ksi. From the results of the report after running the maximum translational displacement in the deformation of the figure is 0.02774 mm. This shows that the maximum shape change that occurs in the frame is 0.02774 mm from its initial shape shown in the red area.


Keywords: Material, Framework¸Design


Material; Framework; Design


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DOI: 10.24269/jkt.v7i2.2358


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