Antin Nurhidayah, Happy Susanto, Muh Tajab


Abstract : This article wants to examine the problem of the method of
memorizing the Al-Qur’an. Memorizing the Qur'an is a noble activity. Which
is currently found in tahfidz institutions. And the current challenge for
memorizing the Qur'an is how to keep the Qur'an memorized. The focus of
this research is to describe the process of implementing tasmi' in
improving the memorization of the Qur'an of students at the Tahfidzul
Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Ainul Mardhiyyah. The object in this study
is aimed at the tahfidz teacher and the female Islamic boarding school
student Tahfidzul Qur'an Ainul Mardhiyyah. The type of research used is
field research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques by
means of observation, documentation and interviews. The results of this
study indicate that; 1) the implementation of tasmi 'is carried out in three
stages, namely deposits among friends, deposits to the tahfidz teacher,
and at the big halaqoh. 2) students are able to improve their memorization
of the qur'an, make their parents proud and others, with the acquisition of
categories mumtaz, jayyid, and jayyid jiddan 3) inhibiting and supporting
factors for the implementation of tasmi' include prayer and effort, parental
support. So from this research, it is expected to be able to provide benefits
and good influence for other Islamic educational institutions. And it is
hoped that this research will not only end here but there is still much that
needs to be developed and improved to get the best results.
Keywords: Teacher, Tahfidz, tasmi' method


Guru, Tahfidz, Metode Tasmi'


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DOI: 10.24269/tarbawi.v6i1.1325


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