Strategi Panti Asuhan dalam Penguatan Self Confidence Anak melalui Pendidikan Islam
Self confidence is one of the essential requirements for individuals to develop activities and creativity as an effort to achieve achievement. However, self-confidence does not grow by itself. Rather, it grows from a healthy interaction process in an individual's social environment and takes place continuously and continuously. This research was conducted with the aim of finding out how the orphanage strategies in strengthening children's self-confidence through Islamic education. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data collected related to this study were arranged qualitatively. From the research results it can be concluded that the Al-Hikmah Orphanage in strengthening children's self-confidence through Islamic education uses three methods, namely the habituation method, the guidance and mentoring method, and the exemplary method. Of the three methods are poured into scheduled activities, some of which are Qiyamu Al-Lail, diniyah, sorogan and memorization of the Al-Qur'an, Imam Isya 'prayer, mukhadloroh, and tapak Suci martial arts training. In its application this method uses a strategy which is: providing motivation to the board, actively communicating, and providing information on an ongoing basis. The learning model of the Al-Hikmah orphanage uses peer tutoring methods and mentoring by senior consultants who accompany each activity. In spurring all the activities and methods applied there is also a code of conduct as well as binding rewards and panisments to strengthen the entire series of education in the Al-Hikmah orphanage. The results of the orphanage's strategy in strengthening children's self-confidence through Islamic education are that children are able to live independently and cleanly, get used to religious activities, and live skillfully according to their talents. Based on the data above, the researchers suggest to the Al-Hikmah orphanage that the education that has been implemented is good and to continue to be maintained and improved with the results that have been achieved in strengthening children's self-confidence. However, there are several things that need to be improved, namely the supervision of children whose development has changed. significant. Preparing a child's future is not easy, there needs to be a continuous struggle and enthusiasm from the administrators of the Al-Hikmah orphanage.
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