Model Pemberdayaan Warga Tunagrahita oleh Pemerintah Desa Karangpatihan dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup

Aan Eko Andi -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Bambang Widiyahseno* -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Jusuf Harsono -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia

One of the main problems is poverty in underdeveloped villages, there is a link between poverty and the phenomenon of the idiot village, one of which is found in the Ponorogo Regency area, namely in the village of Karangpatihan, Balong District. Karangpatihan village statistical data in 2012 shows that the number of people with Down syndrome is less than one third of the existing population. Community efforts towards efforts to improve the social welfare of people with disabilities, various empowerment activities originating from community resources for people with disabilities have been carried out empowering people with Down syndrome in this case the Karangpatihan Village government has carried out various empowerment models, one of which is the Job Training Center (BLK) whose participants the majority of mentally retarded in Karangpatihan Village. The method taken in this study is a qualitative research method with data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. empowerment carried out by the Karangpatihan Village Government includes empowerment in the economic, social, health, religious, and political fields. The positive impact for mentally retarded people is to make them more independent and not dependent on gifts from neighbors, and to be more active, creative and innovative to work.


Empowerment, mental retardation, standard of living
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Submitted: 2022-09-08
Published: 2018-04-01
Section: Articles
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