Model Reward dan Punishment dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja di Pemerintahan Desa Ngunut
Human resource management needs to be done professionally in order to create a balance between the demands of the needs and abilities. To fulfill this need, rewards are needed as a form of motivation. Motivation is a strength of resources that is a factor driving a person's behavior to do certain activities. Work motivation aims to encourage the working spirit of village officials, increase morale and job satisfaction, increase work productivity, maintain loyalty and stability of village officials, increase discipline and reduce the level of absenteeism of the device, create a good atmosphere and working relationships, increase creativity and participation, increase welfare , heightening the sense of responsibility towards their duties and the efficient use of tools and raw materials. Motivation can be done through reward and punishment, reward is a form of appreciation that can improve performance and is given in material and non-material forms. Punishment is an unpleasant consequence that is given in return of an offense that can suppress behavior in the organization given through objective consideration. This study aims to find out how the reward and punishment models in increasing work motivation in the village administration of Ngunut. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method with total sampling technique because it has a number of village officials under 100 people. Reward and punishment applied in Ngunut Village are in the form of praise, congratulations, thanksgiving, reprimands and others. In its implementation, it has run well in accordance with the Village Regulation Number 5 of 2017. However, many village officials consider that the provision of rewards is not in accordance with what they expect. Therefore, an evaluation must be carried out so that the implementation of the reward and punishment can proceed according to the Village Regulation Number 5 2017 and the hopes of village officials.
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