Brand Identity Batik Panoragan sebagai Identitas lokal Masyarakat

Arifatul Mua Dlomah -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Eli Purwati -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
Krisna Megantari* -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia

Ponorogo district goverment making an attempts to resurrect the glory of batik in Ponorogo district.Various kinds of strategies that have been carried out making batik Ponorogo Know as “Batik Ponoragan”. This becomes the attraction of researchers to find out what strategy the goverment has done to restorethe glory of “Batik Ponoragan”. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Researchers obtained data by conducting in-depth direct interviews with Mr.Zainal as a ILMEA Staff of Cooperative trade and micro-enter prises office, Mr.Ahmadi as a chairman of the batik association, Mr. Tridi as a Disbudparpora creative economi staff. Mr. Franky as a promotion and cooperation staff and Mr. Hari Setiyowahyono as a head of UPTD  Industry center. This analysis process is carried out by using a brand identity. And the result of this research is participation of the ponorogo district goverment has mode the existence of Batik Ponoragan begin to appear, especiallyafter registering the copyright of the batik design which is currently used as a compulsory uniform for civil servants and ponorogo students. And take advantage of existing facilities such as batik centers, that are not only used as a place for training batik craftsmen but also a tourist destination in Ponorogo, although there are some parts that are not yet optimal.

Strategy, Branding, Batik Ponorogo
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Article Info
Submitted: 2022-09-27
Published: 2018-10-01
Section: Articles
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