PEMBANGUNAN PEDESAAN BERBASIS BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA (BUM DESA) (Studi Penelitian di Desa Bulusulur dan Desa Sumberejo Kabupaten Wonogiri)
The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the role of BUM Desa has implications for existing development in the Village of Bulusulur and Sumberejo Village of Wonogiri Regency. BUM Desa as a social and economic institution is expected to contribute to the development of the village. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted in Bulusulur and Sumberejo Village of Wonogiri Regency. Data collection methods are interview, observation, and documentation. From the research, it can be known that Village-owned Enterprises in Bulusulur and Sumberejo Village already has implications for the existing development in both villages. Development based on BUM Desa can bring positive implications for village development. BUM Desa can have implications in reducing dependence with other parties with increasing Original Village Income (PAD), or have implication in generating human capability both individual and group through improvement of management understanding. BUM Desa also has implications toward welfare equity, encouraging public trust to build itself through business units owned by BUM Desa.