Brand Awareness “Fajar Batik” dalam Aktivitas Marketing Public Relations
The potential of batik as one of the industrial businesses in Indonesia continues to experience growth and development, including in the socio-cultural life of the community, not least in Ponorogo Regency. There are many handmade batik craftsmen and batik fasion entrepreneurs in Ponorogo. Various strategies are applied by batik entrepreneurs in Ponorogo to increase Brand Awareness in order to compete. One of the brands of batik craftsmen that has attracted the attention of researchers is Fajar Batik because in addition to producing written batik with ponoragan motif, Fajar Batik has its own specialty, namely using natural dyes.The purpose of this study wasto determine the marketing public relations strategy that Fajar Batik used in establishing brand awareness. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research method. Researchers used a purposive sampling technique with primary daa obtained from the subject source, namely the owner Fajar Batik from the results of interviews and then analyzed according to the theory of Kohler and Smith.The results showed that the marketing public relations strategy in establishing Fajar Batik’s brand awareness was o use publicity, personal selling, direct marketing, events, and word of mouth, they are able to from Fajar Batik’s brand awareness even though the actually still have wide opportunities to be further improved.
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