Aktivitas dan Kegiatan Penyuluh Agama Islam Kecamatan Balong

Ahmad Ghulamin Halim, Happy Susanto, Katni Katni


Religion is the spiritual foundation and foundation in carrying out moral and ethical life and human life. However, the facts circulating in the community are still far from practicing religious teachings. Religious teachers are at the forefront of providing religious enlightenment. Because it is the duty of a religious adviser to provide information and innovation to the community. This study uses a qualitative approach. After conducting an investigation. It can be seen that the activities carried out by Islamic advisers in the Baron district consist of: 1) BTQ and MADIN coaching using the An-Nahdhiyah method in practice similar to the Talaqqi method. 2) Hadrah Shalawat is contextualized with the culture of society with the material of sholawat and praise to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The age of the participants is youth and women in the Bulak Village environment with the method used is practice (role play method). 3) Training on the Care of Bodies is aimed especially at women because the village modin is male with additional material on the etiquette of body care. the method used is a mix of practice (role play methods). 4) Moral studies were carried out at LKSA PA Al Maa'un, Balong Sub-district by teaching moral improvement which was no longer a school child. The method is clearly using kilab akhlaqul banin volumes 2. and 5) Development of Majlis Taklim at Jamaah Yasin to the congregation by the lecture method with the most popular material from the Extension or Village Modin.


Religious Counselor, Islamic Religious Studies, Balong District Community


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