Peranan Pembelajaran Seni Reyog Mini dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Karakter Siswa TK Alam Islam Harapan Pertiwi Ponorogo Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020

Dwi Lestari, Bambang Harmanto, Rido Kurnianto


Mini Reyog art learning at TK Alam Islam Harapan has more time than other activities. The institution considers that character building by strengthening local culture has advantages, especially since Reyog is full of quite strong character meanings and values. This extra portion is realized by holding mini Reyog art lessons twice a week with 90 minutes every day, of course, the parents of students are always involved in these activities so that learning is easier. The focus and objectives of the research are: How is the learning of mini Reyog art in Harapan Pertiwi Ponorogo Islamic Kindergarten in the 2019-2020 school year? How is the learning of Islamic character values for children at the Harapan Pertiwi Ponorogo Islamic Kindergarten in the 2019-2020 school year? And what is the impact of learning the art of Mini Reyog on the character formation of students at the Harapan Pertiwi Islamic Kindergarten in Ponorogo for the 2019-2020 school year? This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach, because this study seeks to describe and analyze the phenomena or symptoms that occur in the character of students after getting a mini reyog art lesson. Furthermore, the data obtained from the results of observations, interviews and documentation will be analyzed using inductive analysis. With research results: 1. Learning the art of reyog is carried out in a curricular manner, arranged in a structured manner in the lesson schedule with 2 meetings in one week, guided by a teacher trainer, namely the reyog trainer from the TK Alam Islam Harapan Pertiwi teacher element. 2. The majority of informants gave a very positive appreciation, that reyog learning can be a means of Islamic moral education, the color of education will really help create good habits in children. 3. The data from the research findings explain that the mini reyog art taught in Alam Islam Kindergarten has a good impact, as evidenced by the increasing values of heroism and heroism, nationalism, courage, discipline, honesty, hard work and cooperation among students.


Mini Reyog Art Learning, Student Character


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