Pengaruh Penggunaan Sistem Pembelajaran Google Suite terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran PAI di SMK Kesehatan Bina Karya Medika Ponorogo Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

Moh. Muntaha, Bambang Harmanto, Katni Katni


This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the Google Suite learning system on the motivation and learning outcomes of students in the subjects of Religious Education and Character Education (PABP) at the Bina Karya Medika Ponorogo Health Vocational School in the 2021/2022 academic year.This research was conducted because several problems were found by students, including not being able to complete their learning tasks in accordance with the predetermined time limit, lack of motivation of students in learning at school and the results of the learning evaluation being less than optimal. Even though the learning system in schools already uses Google Suite media.This research is a quantitative research. The population in this study were all class XII students at SMK Kesehatan Bina Karya Medika Ponorogo. Based on the author's calculations on the data of class XII students at the Health Vocational School of Bina Karya Medika Ponorogo, the sample consisted of 145 students. Data analysis technique in quantitative research is to use statistics. Activities in data analysis are grouping data based on variables and types of respondents, tabulating data based on variables and all respondents, presenting data for each variable studied.The validity test is to compare the effectiveness of this study with rcount with rtable for degree of freedom (df) = n-2, where n is the number of respondents. The number of respondents in the validity test of this study was 145 respondents and the magnitude of the df value was 143 with a significance level of 5%, so the rtable value was 0.163. All independent and dependent variables have Cronbach alpha values greater than 0.60. This can be shown by the t-count value of 53,379, and the significance value (p) of 0.000 (p <0.05). The effective contribution of Google Suite to the learning motivation of Islamic Religious Education students. All variables in this study were found to be strong, so it was concluded that there was an effect of implementing the Google Suite learning system on students' motivation and learning outcomes in the subjects of Religious Education and Character Education (PABP) at SMK Kesehatan Bina Karya Medika Ponorogo in the 2021/2022 academic year.


Google Suite, Motivation, learning outcomes

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