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Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis Blended Learning pada Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Auliya Zakiyah Darojat, Nurul Iman, Wahyudi Setiawan
The improvement of learning innovation over the long haul keeps on expanding. Discovering that used to just be done eye to eye is presently beginning to create with web based learning. These two learnings synergize to complete one another qualities and shortcomings to create a coordinated learning model. Besides, the Coronavirus pandemic which has gone after practically the whole world, including Indonesia, fundamentally affects instructive foundations. Instructive establishments should refresh the learning model as per the current conditions. This study points (1) to decide the preparation of PAI learning in view of mixed learning at MI Al-Islam Jetis and MI In addition to Al-Islam Dagangan, (2) to decide the execution of mixed learning based PAI learning at MI Al-Islam Jetis and MI In addition to Al-Islam Dagangan, (3) to decide the consequences of the execution of mixed learning-based PAI learning at MI Al-Islam Jetis and MI In addition to Al-Islam Dagangan, (4) to decide the restraining and supporting elements of mixed learning-based PAI learning at MI Al-Islam Jetis and MI In addition to Al-Islam Exchange. The results showed that (1) blended learning-based PAI learning planning at MI Al-Islam Jetis and MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan was carried out by developing the PAI syllabus and educational calendar, compiling Learning Implementation Plans and designing learning media, (2) implementing PAI learning based on blended learning the frequency is more using online learning than conventional learning, using learning media that is tailored to each level, teaching materials that are used as benchmarks are textbooks and worksheets, (3) The results of PAI learning based on blended learning run effectively this can seen from the learning process that has been passed, (4) the inhibiting factors for blended learning-based PAI learning at MI Al-Islam Jetis and MI Plus Al-Islam Dagangan include economic factors, unsupportive parental participation, lack of technological competence of educators, as for supporting factors including access to technology easier logic and information and increased motivation for educators and students
Islamic Education, Blended Learning, Covid-19
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