Implementasi Kurikulum Pesantren dalam Kaderisasi Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

Saiful Anwar, Happy Susanto, Afiful Ikhwan


develop, especially in boarding school-based educational institutions or Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools implement an integrated education system, combining two curricula in one educational institution. Over time, the Islamic boarding school education system continues to change and develop following the flow of the times. So that currently there are many types of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. One of them is an Islamic boarding school under the auspices of the large Muhammadiyah organization or better known as the Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS). This Islamic boarding school is included in the modern category. The educational curriculum at the Muhammadiyah Boarding School, in addition to generally implementing general learning and religious knowledge, MBS is a forum for the organization in preparing organizational cadres who will continue the Muhammadiyah missionary work. The purpose of this study is to explain how the MBS Islamic boarding school curriculum in the cadre formation of the Muhammadiyah organization, both in planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum. This study uses a qualitative approach and is designed with a multi-site study. Research location: Muhammadiyah Boarding School Jetis Ponorogo and Trenggalek. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The research technique of multi-site study design is collecting data from the first and second sites, conducting cross-site studies based on findings in the form of propositions and continued with cross-site data analysis. Checking the validity of triangulation data sources, methods and theories. Research results: (1) The planning of the pesantren curriculum in the cadre formation of the Muhammadiyah organization at MBS Jetis Ponorogo and MBS Trenggalek was carried out carefully. The curriculum planning includes basic planning or curriculum foundation, preparation of educators or human resources, preparation of subjects and programs aimed at forming cadres of the organization; (2) The implementation of the pesantren curriculum in the cadre formation of the Muhammadiyah organization is carried out by providing knowledge about Muhammadiyah and students are required to participate in organizational activities including the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IPM), Tapak Suci (TS), and Hizbul Wathan (HW), in addition, the students are also equipped with training students to mix with the community by giving them preaching assignments or uniting with the community, especially in the Muhammadiyah mosque environment; (3) Evaluation of the Islamic boarding school curriculum in the Muhammadiyah organization cadre formation is carried out in 3 stages, namely monthly, semester and annual evaluations. The evaluations carried out cover 3 competencies, cognitive, affective and psychomotor.


Islamic Boarding School Curriculum, Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS), Organization Cadre Formation.


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