Peran Majelis Ta’lim dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Ibadah Jamaah dan Kemakmuran Masjid Al-Muhtadin
This thesis aims to determine the role of the ta'lim assembly in improving the quality of congregational worship and prosperity at the Al-Muhtadin mosque, Banjarejo, Madiun City Park. This research was conducted because of the discovery of major changes that occurred in the quality of congregational worship and the prosperity of the Al-Muhtadin mosque which was marked by the correct way of worship and the increasing number of worshipers in the Al-Muhtadin mosque. Even though the mosque used to be a small mosque in the Banjarejo neighborhood, even in the eastern part of the mosque it used to be a burial place for the bodies of Chinese people. However, it does not prevent it from changing for the better. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that uses a spiritual psychological approach. The type of data used in this research is in the form of primary and secondary data. Primary data sources consist of the chairman of the ta'mir, the deputy chairman of the ta'mir, the chairman of the ta'lim assembly, the operational manager of the mosque, the mosque congregation and the study congregation, as well as local residents who are in the vicinity of the Al-Muhtadin Mosque, Banjarejo, Madiun City. The secondary data are the books taught in the ta'lim assemblies, data on mosque administrators, data on members of the ta'lim assembly and data on facilities and infrastructure. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself and then developed through observation, interviews and documentation checks. The data processing and analysis techniques went through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the ta'lim assembly held by the ta'mir of the Al-Muhtadin mosque had a very good impact on the quality of worship, increased knowledge, social, environment, love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and the prosperity of the mosque. Thus the program for the procurement of ta'lim assembly activities at the Al-Muhtadin mosque should always be maintained, cared for and maintained so that it can become an example for other mosques in an effort to improve the quality of worship of the congregation and the prosperity of the mosque.
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