Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Seni Rupa dalam Peningkatan Pendidikan Akhlak dan Prestasi Belajar

Ristam Tajudin, Sudarmadi Sudarmadi, Afiful Ikhwan


The world of education has many interrelated factors in the implementation of learning that occurs in educational institutions. One of the important parts in the development of education is the selection of methods used in learning activities. The purpose of this study was to find out how the application, effectiveness, and implications of art learning methods in improving moral education and learning achievement at MI Islamiyah Muhammadiyah Walikukun.             This study uses qualitative research to provide a descriptive description of the application of art learning methods in improving moral education and learning achievement. Research location: MI Islamiyah Muahammadiyah Walikukun. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique is triangulation of data, namely by combining data from various aspects to draw conclusions from the results of the study of a problem. The results of the study: 1. The application of visual arts learning methods in improving moral education is carried out by combining each task given with moral values. A well-planned process of madrasah principals, deputy principals, homeroom teachers, teachers, and guardians of students to align each component related to the implementation of the visual arts learning method. 2. The effectiveness of art learning methods in improving learning achievement can be concluded as follows: a. The madrasah atmosphere is more conducive and friendly for students. b. Fun learning atmosphere for students. c. Students are excited to go to school. d. Effective in mapping students' abilities. 3. The implications of applying fine arts learning methods in improving moral education and learning achievement can be concluded as follows: a. Improve the quality of student memorization in lessons. b. Make it easier to integrate moral values in subjects. c. Increase parental involvement in the learning process. d. Stabilizing the development of students in morals and learning achievement and tends to increase.


Fine Art Learning Method, Moral Education, Learning Achievement.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Ristam Tajudin, Sudarmadi Sudarmadi, Afiful Ikhwan