Penerapan Integrated Curriculum pada Tarbiyatul Mu’allimin Al-Islamiyah Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo Ngabar Ponorogo

Parwito Parwito, Nurul Iman, Bambang Harmanto


This study aims to describe the application of an integrated curriculum, an integrated curriculum model, problems, and solutions for implementing an integrated curriculum at Tarbiyatul Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyah Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Boarding School Ponorogo. The method in this study uses a qualitative approach. Research Place in Tarbiyatul Mu’allimin al-Islamiyah Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Boarding School Ponorogo. The data was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman model. The results of this study are: 1. The type of curriculum applied at the Tarbiyatul Mu’allimin Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Boarding School is an integrated curriculum which can be proven by the incorporation of the Islamic Boarding School curriculum and the National curriculum, character education, religious knowledge, general science, and soft skills into activities or learning. for the students. 2. The curriculum application model applies a curriculum model with an integrated type or between several disciplines. its implementation is packaged through daily activities, mid-year, and annual TV and ends with a 1-year mandatory system. 3. The problems faced in the integrated curriculum are: the allocation of learning is small, the educational calendar changes according to the two calendars, namely the calendar and the state calendar and understands students with different backgrounds.


Curriculum Integration, Islamic Boarding School, learning, Islamic education


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