Internalisasi Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak melalui Program Pembiasaan Pagi dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Intelektual, Emosional dan Spiritual (IESQ) Siswa di MIN 4 Madiun

Ulfa Ummul Maghfiroh, Sudarmadi Sudarmadi, M. Zainal Arif


The problem of moral degradation of the youngger generation is one of the negative impacts of the development of globalization which is growing rapidly. One effort that greatly impacts the process of fixing this problem is moral education. In this very rapid era of scientific and technological advancement (IPTEK), one must have a person of noble/commendable character in order to be able to respond properly and not be easily influenced by the currents of the times. Student morals in improving students' intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence is the morning habituation program. The purpose of this research is to describe the value of moral education, strategies and the impact of internalizing moral education through the morning habituation program in improving students' intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence (IESQ) at MIN 4 Madiun. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study type of research. The research subjects were students, teachers, principals and parents. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, data display, and data verification steps..The results of this study found that: (1) The values of moral education internalized at MIN 4 Madiun include moral values to God, moral values to fellow human beings and moral values to the environment, all three of which are included in the category instilled quite well by teachers through habituation programs Morning. (2) The strategy of internalizing the value of moral education through the morning habituation program at MIN 4 Madiun is internalized through socialization strategies, strategies through example and strategies through practice. (3) The impact of internalizing the value of moral education through the morning habituation program, among other things, for students' intellectual intelligence provides quite good changes for students, although not yet rapidly; for the emotional intelligence of students, it provides changes that are quite good too, even though it only covers some students; as well as for students' spiritual intelligence also has a pretty good impact on students.


Internalization, Values of Moral Education, Morning Habits, IESQ


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