Model Implementasi Hipnoteaching dalam Pembinaan Moral Kader Inti Pemuda Anti Narkoba (KIPAN) Kabupaten Ngawi Perspektif Pendidikan Islam

Eko Purnomo, Nurul Iman, Katni Katni


Hypnoteaching is a learning condition by using positive suggestions to more easily motivate students. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of the teacher in carrying out religious. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of the hypnoteaching method from an Islamic education perspective which was carried out by the Ngawi Anti-Drug Youth Cadres (KIPAN). Narcotics (Kipan) Ngawi Regency in the perspective of Islamic Education” The type of research used is field research, because the data information needed is dug up and collected from the field. This research method is descriptive qualitative in nature, meaning that research is about descriptive research. Research data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research are: 1) The application of hypnoteaching in delivering material is by giving positive suggestions to students. the application of the hypnoteaching method in Kipan, Ngawi Regency, is in accordance with the steps for implementing the hypnoteaching method. Starting from the process of planting intentions and motivation with muadz stories, pacing with ice breaking penguin gymnastics, leading by picking up cellphones, using positive sentences and giving praise besides modeling by grouping as a means for exemplary among peers 2) The application of the hypnotizing method that was carried out in Kipan, Ngawi Regency, from the perspective of Islamic education. It is in accordance with the rules of its application, starting from aqidah, rituals and morals. Hypnoteaching in the perspective of Islamic education at KIPAN, Ngawi Regency is an influential method that can support the successful formation of moral, spiritual and social ethos aspects originating from the Al-Quran and hadith by conveying good and wise material.


Hypnoteaching, Moral, Islamic Education


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