Strategi Kyai dalam Mengembangkan Kaderisasi Berkarakter Islami di Pondok Modern Arrisalah Slahung Ponorogo

Nur Hidayatul Fadilah, Afiful Ikhwan, Nurul Iman


This article aims to explain the model of Islamic character cadre formation in Arrisalah Modern Islamic Boarding School, the kyai's strategy in cadre formation and the implications of Islamic character cadre formation for students. According to the author, the selection of this research location is very unique from other locations because of the existence of a curriculum or general subjects in Islamic boarding schools known for their salaf curriculum which is integrated with Islamic values that are characteristic of Islamic boarding schools. This study uses an interpretive paradigm through a qualitative approach, a case study type. Data were obtained from the Caretaker, Head of Madrasah, Teachers, Students, and other parties involved, with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis tool used is the Miles and Huberman qualitative analysis model of data reduction, data display and verification. Checking the validity of the data using triangulation; credibility, transferability, descripibility and confirmability. The findings of the research are (1) The cadre model at Arrisalah Modern Islamic Boarding School is the passing down or transfer of Islamic character and Islamic boarding school values that are transformed into the students themselves which are collected in the basic ideas or concepts of the Pancajiwa Islamic boarding school and the philosophy of life and introduced in the Khutbatul 'Arsy activities, also conveyed during briefings and briefings before exams, etiquette lectures before holidays, changes in PTTI management, ta'hil al mudarrisin (teacher preparation in mastering subject matter), and taujihat amaliyah at-tadris (micro teaching); (2) The kyai's strategy in creating cadres with Islamic character is actualized in several aspects including the kyai's role model, curriculum, Ala Manhaj Rabbaniy education system, organization, Islamic boarding school discipline and obligatory service; (3) Islamic character cadre formation has positive implications, as seen from the graduates or alumni, many of whom become leaders or cadres of the community, one of which is becoming a leader in an educational institution or Islamic boarding school.


Kyai, Cadre Formation, Character, Islamic Boarding School


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