Strategi MGMP PAI SMA dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru PAI Kabupaten Madiun
Increasing the competence of PAI teachers, it needs an effective strategy so that they can hit the intended target of the students. The competencies that must be possessed by GPAI include pedagogical competencies, personality competencies, competencies, professionals, social competencies, spiritual competencies and leadership competencies. Strategies in increasing the competence of GPAI through MGMP are very effective and efficient because MGMP is a place for subject teachers to exchange information and experiences. The purpose of this research is to describe the MGMP PAI strategy in increasing GPAI competencies, the results of the MGMP PAI strategy in increasing GPAI competencies, what factors support and hinder MGMP in increasing the competency of high school Islamic education teachers in Madiun District and the solution. This research is a qualitative research with data collection methods, Field Research which consists of: observation, interview, documentation. There are 2 sources of data, namely primary and secondary sources. The research instrument is its own researcher to get the focus of research and supporting instruments is the interview guide, and then the data obtained is analyzed using qualitative analysis with the analysis described by words or words that are separated according to categories to obtain conclusions. The results of the research carried out showed that the Senior High School Islamic Education (PAI) Teachers Meeting (MGMP) in Madiun District was quite effective in carrying out strategies to improve teacher competency in Madiun District. With indicators, the MGMP of Islamic High School Islamic Education exists in carrying out activities to develop teacher competencies in Madiun District, the competence of Islamic Religious Education Teachers is quite good in preparing for learning in class, having effective activities such as regular meetings supported by high teacher motivation in doing self-development
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