Kurikulum Terpadu dalam Sistem Pendidikan Islam di Sekolah Unggulan (Studi Multi Situs di SD Muhammadiyah 2 Barat Magetan dan MI Mambaul Huda Magetan)
The phenomenon that is currently developing is the tendency of people to choose religious institutions labeled Islamic schools as a reference for "entrusting" their children. Schools labeled Islam apply an integrated curriculum by combining curricula from the ministry of education, the ministry of religion and the local curriculum. This study aims to determine the integrated curriculum that is applied in superior schools, including its implementation in the learning process. Featured schools are taken from public trust by looking at the number of students. Samples were taken from SD Muhammadiyah 2 Barat Magetan and MI Mambaul Huda Magetan, because the community considered them to be the best schools. Data collection is done by (1). natural setting, primary data sources and data collection techniques mostly involve participant observation, (2). in-depth interviews (in depth interviews) and (3). documentation (document review).Based on the research results, it is found that (1). SD Muhammadiyah 2 Barat Magetan and MI Mambaul Huda Magetan implement an integrated curriculum by combining the national curriculum (Kemendikbud), religious curriculum (Ministry of Religion) and local curriculum, (2). The integrated curriculum is applied through a process of planning, implementation and evaluation to produce graduate students who are perfect (integrated).
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