Pengembangan Kurikulum PAI dan Implementasinya di SDIT Qurrata A’yun Ponorogo
This study aims to determine the method of developing the Islamic Education curriculum at SDIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo, knowing the implementation of the Islamic Education curriculum at SDIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo, knowing the obstacles faced by SDIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo in developing the PAI curriculum, and to find out the obstacles faced ADIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo in implementing the Islamic Education curriculum. Qualitative methods are used in this study. The data collection techniques are means of interviews, observation, and documentation. The findings were: 1) The method used in developing the Islamic Religious Education curriculum at SDIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo, among others; First of all, the leaders held a meeting to determine the objectives of curriculum development that were tailored to the goals of the school, namely: improving the quality of school services through improving the integrated curriculum and the quality management system. After that the leaders determine the material to be developed. Then the leaders socialize the curriculum that has been developed to teachers to be implemented and implemented. 2) The implementation of the PAI curriculum at SDIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo is carried out into 3 stages: starting from learning preparation, implementation, and learning evaluation. In the learning preparation stage the teacher makes syllabus and lesson plans, in the implementation stage the teacher carries out PAI learning, in the learning evaluation stage the teacher conducts tests or semester exams and also tests or exams specifically tahfidz al-Qur'an which includes a one-sitting test and test each juz. 3) The second faced by SDIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo in developing the PAI curriculum is that new teachers are not competent in memorizing the Qur'an so they need a more thorough PAI teacher recruitment process, and lack of funds. 4) The obstacles faced by SDIT Qurrata A'yun Ponorogo in implementing the PAI curriculum include: the different abilities of individual students, the desire of students to take extracurricular activities other than tahfidz al-Qur'an due to the lack of interest in students following tahfidz al-Qur'an, and covid-19 constraints that hinder the learning process.
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