Implementasi Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMPIT Subulul Huda Madiun
Curriculum as well as lesson planning, as a guide, a handle on categories, scope, order of content, and also the learning process. The curriculum is the main system in education at the educational unit level. So if the curriculum is labeled as failing to become an educational system, it will be certain that the era of education that was running at that time could be said to have failed. The best curriculum is a curriculum that will change from time to time to adapt to the era of civilization and the development of the national community following the local content in each respective region. The main materials of Islamic Religious Education are teaching materials, teaching activities and experiences that are focused on the elements of monotheism. SMP Islam Terpadu Subulul Huda is an institution that combines a concept of general education and the world of pesantren as complement and supplement, where in addition to teaching in the class, students live in dormitories to get guidance, supervision and additional activities that lead to moral education, life skills, human resource improvement, exploration of talents and interests. So with the realization of supervision and guidance along with education as a whole, the religious knowledge that is taught will make an impression as a belief and even transform into moral behavior. The research activity took place naturally, the informant became the subject who was determined by snowball and purposive. The data collected through observation, dialogue / interview and documentation techniques. The data that has been collected will be entered into the description, reduction, selection, analysis and conclusion stages. The results of the study: The implementation of the Islamic Education curriculum at SMPIT Sububul Huda Madiun is the 2013 curriculum, namely Islamic religious education and character. The PAI curriculum does not separate Islamic religious education subjects into clusters, getting a total allocation of 3 hours per / week. Extracurricular activities to support the PAI curriculum are carried out during formal hours, the local content is Aswaja activities, besides that there are additional hours for integrated learning, namely lessons that are directly coordinated by the pesantren, which are divided into three classes (Ula, Wustho, Ulya), class differences It was found that there was no equal level in the formal class and the pesantren class.
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