Problematika Penanaman Karakter dan Ketuntasan Belajar PAI Melalui Media Online di MAN 2 Ngawi
Character education is a description of behavior that focuses on the value of right-wrong, good-bad, either explicitly or implicitly. So that the characters form a series of attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and skills. Meanwhile, Problematic comes from English which means problem or problem. A problem can be interpreted as an obstacle or problem that must be found a solution. Carrying out PAI character education, of course, must achieve complete learning. Completeness Learning consists of two words, namely "Mastery" and "Learning". Completeness is a system that requires all students to master Competency Standards (SK) which includes KD (Basic Competencies) with the aim of obtaining complete learning. While learning is a process experienced by humans in knowing and understanding something new. Online media itself is mass media contained in the internet network. The method in this study uses research methods with a qualitative approach. The research site is at MAN 2 Ngawi. data sources are the principal of MAN 2 Ngawi, PAI teachers of MAN 2 Ngawi, and students of Man 2 Ngawi, the instruments used are interview, documentation and observation instruments. The data analysis technique uses data collection techniques, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification from Miles and Huberman. The results of problematic research that there is a lack of synchrony of the results of reports on worship activities that refer to dishonesty, internet networks, and economic factors, the solution that can be done is to build good communication between educators and students, not only once a month but as often as possible, to find out obstacles faced by students.
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