Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Holistik Peserta Didik (Studi Multikasus di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Plalangan dan Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Kemiri Jenangan Ponorogo)

Ulin Nuhansyah F. L., Afiful Ikhwan, Nuraini Nuraini


The background of this research is based on observations at SDN 2 Plalangan and 2 Kemiri Jenangan Ponorogo where there is habituation of religious activities in the form of congregational dhuha prayers and recitation of the Qur'an. This study aims to analyze and determine: (1) the role of Islamic religious education teachers in forming the holistic personality of students at SDN 2 Plalangan and SDN 2 Kemiri. (2) the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in forming the holistic personality of students at SDN 2 Plalangan and SDN 2 Kemiri. (3) The results of holistic personality formation by Islamic religious education teachers in students at SDN 2 Plalangan and SDN 2 Kemiri. The results of this study include (1) the role of GPAI in forming students with Muslim personalities, namely being able to make students more polite, more respectful of teachers and fellow friends, more disciplined, able to distinguish between good deeds and bad deeds. (2) GPAI strategy in shaping the Muslim personality of students at SDN 2 Plalangan and SDN 2 Kemiri by performing dhuha prayers in congregation and recitation of the Qur'an. In order for these religious activities to run smoothly, several strategies are needed including support from parents, enthusiasm of students in participating in these activities, facilities and infrastructure, and support from educators. (3) The result of the formation of holistic personality of students by GPAI at SDN 2 Plalangan and SDN 2 Kemiri is that students become more disciplined both in prayer and teaching and learning in the classroom. So that the achievement achieved by students also increases.


Role, personality formation, holistic


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Dokumen resmi pemerintah

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