Peran Bagian Bina Rohani RSU Muhammadiyah Ponorogo dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Ibadah Warga Rumah Sakit

Bonaji Bonaji, M. Zainal Arif, Anip Dwi Saputro


The objectives of this study are: 1) Knowing the role of the spiritual guidance section in order to improving the worship of hospital residents. 2) Knowing the program of the spiritual formation section in order to improving the worship of hospital residents. 3) Knowing the inhibiting and supporting factors within the implementation of spiritual guidance for hospital residents. This research includes field research. The method used in this research is to use qualitative research methods. Judging from the type, this research is Descriptive Research. In this Study, the researchers made observations of everything he has seen, heard, and felt so as to be able to assessing and conclude research. Based on theoretical studies, data analysis and research results through observation, documentation, interviews in the field can be concluded as follows: (1) The spiritual guidance section at Muhammadiyah General Hospital has a role as a driver of da'wah activities. First, preaching to patients, families and visitors; Second, preaching to all hospital employees; and third, preaching to the community. (2) The work program of the Spiritual Development Section of RSU Muhammadiyah consists of three important roles: first, conducting spiritual guidance to patients, families and visitors; second, conducting spiritual guidance to all hospital employees; and third, conducting spiritual guidance to the community. (3) The inhibiting factors that cause the implementation of spiritual guidance at RSU Muhammadiyah to be less than optimal are: the covid pandemic factor which recommends keeping a distance so that spiritual activities are limited, and the negative perception of employees that in hospitals it is important to work professionally so that it is lacking in social and religious approaches. Otherwise, the supporting factors that cause the implementation of spiritual guidance to run smoothly is: the spiritual guidance section is given the authority to create its own programs, program-making policies, adequate infrastructure, sufficient budget funds.


Spiritual Development Section, Worship, Perception of Hospital Residents


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