Implementasi Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an di Pesantren Perspektif Quantum Teaching

Heriadi Heriadi, M. Zainal Arif, Katni Katni


Based on what the researchers observed in the field, they chose the Ahmad Dahlan Islamic Boarding School Ponorogo and the Jetis Muhammadiyah Boarding School. Both of them have their own uniqueness, namely applying the learning of the Qur'an full of joy and joy. Bringing their world into today's world with lessons that are very fun and inspire them to learn with their own creativity. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the learning of the Qur'an from the perspective of Quantum Teaching, to describe the results of the implementation of the learning of the Qur'an from the perspective of Quantum Teaching at Pesantren Ahmad Dahlan Ponorogo and Muhammadiyah Boarding School Jetis. This research is a qualitative research, which starts with data collection, documentation, interviews, observations, from this process all to answer the problems that researchers do. The data analysis used descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the research findings are: (1) Implementation of the learning of the Qur'an with a quantum teaching perspective that the process of learning the Qur'an at the Ahmad Dahlan Islamic Boarding School and the Muhammadiyah Boarding Schol Jetis Ponorogo has applied the concept of Quantum Teaching in learning, namely educators in learning have implemented “TANDUR” learning plan with AMBAK steps. (2) The results of the implementation of the learning of the Qur'an from a quantum teaching perspective at the Ahmad Dahlan Islamic Boarding School in Ponorogo, students experienced a significant increase in reading the Qur'an getting better and with tartil rhythms and understanding tajwid and being able to take part in society. Meanwhile, at Muhammadiyah Boarding School Jetis, there has been a fairly good improvement, the students are getting more and more in love with the Qur'an, and can read the Qur'an correctly, master the reading of Qiro' 7 songs with the rhythm of the Qur'an and some also understand the interpretation of the Qur'an. -Qur'an.


Implementation, Learning the Qur'an, Quantum Teaching Perspective


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