Penerapan Teori Learning by Doing dalam Pendidikan Akhlak pada Materi Rendah Hati dan Sopan Santun pada Kelas 2 Ar-Rahim MI Muhammadiyah 1 Panekan Tahun 2022

Maya Marinta Rachmawati, Muh. Tajab, Syarifan Nurjan


The background of the research are the results of study learning proses from Ar-Rahim second grades of MI Muhammadiyah 1 Panekan on humble material moral education and politeness still under minimal standart scores and this study aims to determine the application of learning by doing theory, to find out the improvement of humble material moral education and politeness, to know also the learning outcomes of humble material moral education and politeness in grade 2 Ar-Rahim MI Muhammadiyah 1 Panekan in 2022. The research method uses the Action Research or Action Research model which is carried out with two stages of cycles 1 and 2. The research was carried out at Mi Muhammadiyah 1 Panekan with the flow of design, observation, evaluation, reflection. It is hoped that with this learning by doing learning model students are able to think critically, creatively, and innovatively so that understanding of the material can be well understood, so that student learning outcomes are expected to be able to increase and students also have active learning in class using this model.       The results of the research cycle 1, namely 46.15%, are classified as moderate, however, student learning outcomes in cycle 1 have not been able to reach the classical completeness stage which has been set at 80%. While in cycle 2, with an average of 74% so that classical student learning completeness in cycle 2 is 80%.


Application of learning by doing theory, moral education on humble and politeness material


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