Konsep Fitrah Based Education Harry Santosa dalam Prespektif Pendidikan Islam
The fatal mistake of an educator or parent is never to contemplate the nature, vision, mission and ideal goals of education, then relate them to the purpose of creation and life's mission. As a result, many just follow what people say or follow the school system. Then many parents are confused after seeing their children graduate from school as individuals who are stunted, do not know their purpose in life, are confused about their roles and interests (lost the nature of their talents), without having adequate thinking skills and logic (deviating the nature of learning and reasoning), without maturity and strong independence, without noble character and good morals, without concern for other people or the natural environment and the problems of the nation. So in overcoming the problems above, the involvement of parents and educators is needed in the process of developing the natural potential of students. In this case, parents are required to study, understand and apply Harry Santosa's fitrah-based education (FBE) concept so that they can develop their child's natural potential to the fullest. The method used in this research is pure library method. Sources of information are obtained from holy books, books, journals, scientific articles and research results related to the concept of nature-based education. While the research method used for this analysis is the method of interpretation, hermeneutic, and historical. The results of this study include: 1) Harry Santosa's nature-based education concept is the process of educating children according to their nature. These traits, namely: the nature of faith, the nature of learning and reasoning, the nature of talent, the nature of sexuality and generative, the nature of development, the nature of aesthetics and language, the nature of the body, the nature of individuality and sociality. 2) Islamic education views the concept of nature-based education as a concept that has the characteristics and objectives of Islamic education itself. The aim of Islamic education is to form a complete human being by going through a process of education and coaching on the basic pattern of nature that has been bestowed by Allah in every human person. This basic pattern contains complex psychological potential, because in humans there are abilities that can be developed dialectically-interactionally (referring to and fulfilling each other) for the formation of a complete and perfect personality through educational direction. 3) In applying the FBE concept, strategies, approaches and calculations are needed regarding the situations and conditions where this process takes place in the long term. That way, the goals to be achieved become clear because everything is designed and planned carefully.
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