Problematika Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Indonesia

Yan Isa Al Ghani, Happy Susanto, Afiful Ikhwan


Islamic Religious Education Learning is an activity carried out by a teacher to achieve success in strengthening students' faith and piety to God. Islamic religious education learning is a link in the flow of muslim life which is applied in daily activities. The study of Islamic religious education as a scientific treasure given to students in need and also used as capital towards an orderly life oriented to the happiness of the world and the hereafter. However, in reality, religious education only focuses on the transfer of knowledge, not on the formation of Islamic behavior. Over time, Islamic religious education received less support. So that in the implementation of the Islamic religious education learning process, various kinds of problems arise that cause the learning process to achieve imperfect results, such as the lack of student interest in learning Islamic religious education, lack of time allocation, teacher quality, Islamic religious education subject matter that must be updated and there are many other problems. This study uses a qualitative approach, the type of library research. The data collection technique used by the author is documentation, namely looking for data about various things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, meeting minutes, leggers, agendas and so on. Data analysis using descriptive technique. Descriptive analysis is an analysis carried out on phenomena that occur in the present. The process is in the form of collecting or compiling data, as well as interpreting the data descriptively. The technique of checking the validity of the data is by increasing the persistence of observation. The results of the study show that: problematic that occur in the implementation of Islamic religious education Learning in Indonesia are the existence of an educational dualism that separates religious schools and public schools which causes different views and implementation of policies. In this case, religious schools are underestimated. The subject matter of Islamic religious education that must be mastered by students is too heavy and also inappropriate because it has not been able to foster a sense of love for learning it. There are very few lessons for religious education compared to other general lessons. The quality of religious teachers also needs serious attention from religious

officials in Indonesia.


Problematika, Learning, Islamic Education


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